stage dolls love cries lyrics Relevant Information
(85 People Likes) Why am I not able to climax, even after an hour(s) with a real doll?
ven imagine why you couldn't climax after an hour in a real doll. Most guys want to stay longer. I would want to stay in her as long as she was agreable. You dont mention whether you cum in her or a condom. My girlfriend liked more than hour, so i would hold back for an hour then cum in her. Fortunately, she was hot enough keep me up for the second hour and more. I suggest that you try for more hour(s) in her, and think about the climax. She will/may be plea

(74 People Likes) What is the most influential human behavior?
being or trade can greatly influence a person’s behavior. In addition, the environment that an individual is in also serves an influence into their mental state. In Albert Bandura’s study, he studied how children mimicked their parents or other adults by using the Bobo doll experiment (an inflatable doll). He had the child stand by and watch the adult in the toy room kick, punch and scream at the Bobo doll. When the adult was done and exited the room, Bandura let the child go into the room. As soon as the child entered the room, the child immediately went to the Bobo doll and started punching, kicking and screaming at the doll just like how the adults did. For this study, it simply states that children mimic and observe their parents like their role models as well as other adults. To the children, the parents are the most influential beings in their lives. In addition, as soon as children enter the world of social media, they often look to those older than them and observe them to learn what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable. In many cases, the ice bucket challenge, etc. created by adults were most commonly copied and mimicked by children of all ages. The reason for this is because when children see adults do something they think: “If the adult does that, then that means it is okay to do.” On the other hand, classical and operant conditioning (learning by observing and recognizing patterns), influence an individual in ways of fear, food, etc. For example, if a girl were to see a dog and immediately went over to pet it. Unfortunately, the dog is angry and bites the girl, searing the thought of fear into the girl’s mind when she sees a different dog the next day. In this case, the situation with the dog influenced the girl to avoid or flee at the sight of dogs due to her fear. But, the most influential of them all is the environment condition. The environment that an individual lives in or experiences often shapes them in a way that toughens them, alters their personality, etc. Say if a person were to live in an environment with b Real Doll d neighbors, undisciplined kids, etc. In that case, the individual would be more included to adapt the ways of those kids or in some cases, become more tough, sensitive, or defensive because of the environment. In a more simple example, imagine being at a concert. As soon as one person starts clapping with the beat or swaying their bodies or hands with the rhythm, other people start clapping or swaying as well. Now, let’s say that you just arrived at the concert and
(94 People Likes) Is it immature for a 14 yo girl to love dolls or has society just pushed our kids to grow up faster than they should?
at whatever she is interested in is appropriate for her. Many kids, like myself, just could not get interested in dolls, though my mother loved them. I grew up to be a good mom and it turned out all I needed was a real doll. If you think she is too focused on playing with dolls at her age, slowly introduce her to books for her age and other things which may take her attention towards the fut
(48 People Likes) Are some people better off alone? both romantically and platonically?
here, I don’t mind them being gone. It depends on how you mean this question, so I will answer two ways. These are people that chose to be alone because it is what they want, but in your question details you are not speaking about them being on their own, you are speaking about them being outcast from society. Not the wording chosen I notice and likely for a good reas stage dolls love cries lyrics n, but that is what you are implying. Just because someone is difficult doesn't mean that they are better off shut away somewhere of cast out. I just used this example in a previous answer, but it is fitting to reuse it now. Blanche Monnier was a woman that fell in love with her neighbor. Her mother did not approve because she felt that the low earning lawyer was not worthy of her daughter and forbade the relationship. Blanche ignored her mother and chose the man she loved. Difficult to be sure, no one likes disobedient children. So her mother locked Blanche up in her room for twenty-five years to force her to change her mind, and not deal with her until she did. In the meantime, the lawyer died, but her mother did not let Blanche out. Had it not been for someone reporting that they suspected that the missing Monnier girl was imprisoned in the house, she would have died there, locked away from everyone, because she was difficult and her mother didn’t want to deal with her. The Miserable Imprisonment of Blanche Monnier Just because you don’t like how a person is, doesn't mean they have lost their basic human rights to be treated with dignity and respect. Unless they have committed a crime or are dangerous to themselves or others, they have every single right you do. If you wouldn’t care to be cast out because they don’t like how you are, then don’t wish it on others. However, if you are asking if because YOU have difficulty with others, would it be better for others if you removed yourself and went away on your own, difficulty for who exactly. Lots of people want to hang me up by my toenails and beat me with sticks because I am a psychopath. I haven’t done anything to them, they just don’t like the fact we exist. However, I have people I get on with great. If you are worried about other people’s reaction to you, forget it. If they don’t like you, nuts to them. They don’t have to, someone else will like you for exactly who you are. There are different types of people in this world and it takes all of them to keep the world interesting. Don’t get on with this group? There’s plenty more to try. If you are having difficulties in maintaining relationships, there are things you can do for help improving those aspects of your life. If you need it, seek that help, find people that get you, live a happy life. Just because you feel like you have a bad effect on people doesn't mean that’s how they see
(80 People Likes) How should I legally dispose a sex doll?
r up lovingly in your closet and hang her fr the ceiling where she can be well hidden from the world. Don't just throw her away. She's spec