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(54 People Likes) Should a man throw in the towel and buy a high end sex doll if he can't seem to get women to like him even if he's an okay guy? I haven't been on a date or had sex in a few years and I have no skill with women and choke when I try to be flirty.

et a woman. Either you are not average (what I doubt) or you aren’t meeting people.
Try g the best loved doll ing to places Cheap Sex Dolls where people go. Bars, gym, even churches. If you are that shy, try some acting classes and, as a last resort, seek profession

(86 People Likes) What are straight-up facts people won’t swallow?

on with a peculiar system of morality layered in allegory and illustrated by symbols. We work hard to make men better. 2b1ask1; we have pancakes.
Source: Am a Mason
Guns aren’t the problem
Good heavens is this a horse pill for some people. If I and 100 million other legal gun owners don’t commit crimes every single day, what else is the problem? It only leaves criminals that generally stick to killing each other. That is really a symptom of a much larger problem, namely the war on drugs. If you take them from out of darkness and remove what power gangs and kingpins hold over people and put the money into helping addicts you’re going to see a lot of violence disappear. I’ve always said and it really seems to hold true to larger research that murders typically involve one or more of three factors 1. Criminal history 2. Drugs 3. Gang involvement.
Nicotine isn’t inherently bad
Sure it’s found in tobacco and can be addictive, but it’s an extremely common substance. The alkaloids can even be found in a whole slew of stuff that you wouldn’t even expect. Cauliflower for instance contains a few nicotine alkaloids. If you’re wanting to avoid nicotine I sure hope you can cut out the following list: tobacco, vaping, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, cauliflower, Monster ene the best loved doll gy drinks, Bang energy drinks, anything containing niacin, hot peppers (that includes jalapenos), and you’ll have to kill yourself because all living cells contain traces of niacin and that includes cutting out niacinamide which will also kill you. On the plus side it’s a good stress reliever.
Not professing your sexuality isn’t a deep seated hatred for yourself and others
I know plenty of people who look around in crowds and see people they don’t even know and immediately feel threatened that they can’t see anyone outwardly declaring that they aren’t straight. I call those people delusional. If you look at me, you’d have a really hard time figuring out that I’m bisexual. You’d never even know unless you saw my “83” pin and know your periodic table well.
If you’re one of those people that would literally die if you didn’t tell someone or express your LGBTness, you’re the kind Real Doll of person I’m talking about. If you think people just existing and not caring about your sexuality is oppressive and think that there needs to be legislation to fix it, take a real look at yourself and ask who is being oppressive and boisterous. Ask yourself who your sexuality really matters to outside of you and any partner(s) you may have. Does it really affect anyone other than that?
Yes, that means I don’t care about your sexuality or your partner unless you’re dating me. No, I don’t hate you just because I don’t care about sexuality. I really don’t.
My being white isn’t oppressing you
I am LITERALLY colorblind. I also do not care what color you are nor what you want to be. I DO NOT CARE. I was raised to believe that race, color, and creed do not matter. I was raised on the idea that what matters is the content of your character. Are we all going to ignore what Martin Luther King Junior said or what? All I care about is how you treat me and people you believe to be beneath you (if any).
Bandaids being the color they are aren’t oppressing you. It’s marketing to a majority. Also, who cares about what color a fucking bandaid is? I mean my rocketship bandaids are cooler than yours, but come on. A bandaid not matching your skin is oppressive? Whatever. I’m so effing white that I literally can’t find a bandaid that is even remotely close to my skin color. You could just go on about your life and stop trying to find oppression in everything.
Autism is debilitating
Look, I’ll come clean and say that I have Asperger’s Syndrome and it’s no longer recognized as a thing because screw the people that fit into the category.
I struggle with it every single day. I have a huge list of things I have to avoid just to keep sane and not have a meltdown. Here’s a short snippet
Bright lights
All of my light bulbs have been painted. It causes sensory overload otherwise.
Routine Broken
Leave me alone until I’ve had my coffee and am actually dressed. Please, I’m begging you not to bother me before then unless it’s an absolute emergency. If it is, bring me coffee to take along. I have a certain routine that has to be followed. Don’t disrupt it.
Being forced to make eye contact
Please don’t force me to do this. I don’t like it and eye contact is very hard for me.
Look I’m already under a lot of stress with college and working more hours than I really should be while studying. Don’t make it worse.
Physical contact being initiated without consent
Don’t touch me unless I initiate the contact or ask for it.
Certain smells
I can’t stand really strong perfumes or smells. They overload me and I panic.
Look I don’t mind a little bit of pain, but excessive is what gets under my skin and puts me into a meltdown. No, I don’t mind getting ink and piercings aren’t that bad, but the pain that’s more than those are what gets me into meltdown mode.
I can have meltdowns because of migraines, which I chronically get! YAY ME!
Large crowds
I get nervous and panic and if forced to stay I will have a meltdown.
New situations
I don’t like change
New people
Refer to above
Sensory overload
This is an obvious thing as too much input makes me start fizzling out and I’m pretty sure that this just makes me panic and cry. A lot. Oh and have a meltdown. That too.
Sensory deprivation
Too little input drives me insane. I always have music on as well as a fan that has a very constant rhythm. I keep them out of sync to keep me moving. I constantly fidget.
Clothes too tight
Please just no. Absolutely no
Clothes too loose
They gotta be just right. Refer above.
Panic attack
This causes meltdowns. Thank heavens I don’t have an additional anxiety disorder
Loud noise
Yes I know it’s a stereotype, but I don’t usually like loud noises. I wear earplugs at concerts and double up while shooting.
I don’t understand emotions very well. I have them, but I can’t correctly identify them for the most part. I’ve been told that I confuse happiness for pride and because I don’t like to be prideful I shut that down immediately. Emotions when strong can overwhelm me just like loud noise and cause sensory overload.
Absolutely nothing
My favorite cause of meltdown. This is what happens once a week. Used to be once a day.
Not ending lists on certain multiples
This is here just to end the list on a multiple of 2, 4, 5, and 10. It would bother me otherwise.
But sure, autism isn’t debilitating. I just have the social skills of vermin and a higher IQ than most people and a really deep interest in a few topics. J

(68 People Likes) What would be the best ideal place for complete privacy if one wants a sex doll?

I’m aware that there’s a social stigma surrounding toys like this. But I figure if women can buy dildos, what’s the problem with me buying a “friend”? It’s not as if I’m going to sit next to her at the dinner table and pretend she’s my wife or anything. Not unless she magically springs to life!
No, I think it would be good for me to buy one of these things. It’s not ideal, obviously. But I’m not really in a position where getting “out there” and picking up women in bars is really a realistic option anymore. Nor have I ever been interested in meeting people in such places. And the “nice” women I like, are more or less long since married and settled, so i figure: why the hell not?
Simulated sex is better than nothing, right? And if I dim the lights, light a few candles and put on Greatest Love Hits by Richard Clayderman, I think I can even convince myself that I’m having a genuinely intimate moment with an extremely shy person.
It’s only afterwards when you remove parts of her anatomy and clean them in the kitchen sink that reality seeps back i Cheap Sex Dolls
But never mind reality! I may be totally wrong about all of this, but I’ve a feeling that buying a doll could perhaps make me feel less alone. It’s not real company, but if you pay enough cash, it can LOOK like real company. And for me, that’s a start.
How many men own a Fleshlight? Millions, probably. Well, this is just a life-size

(15 People Likes) Why does my doll love me so much?

les. Not only that, you can dream and sleep with them. It's like you and your doll are so attached, inseparable.
I'm 30 years old now and I still play with barbie dolls. Although my parents hate that idea, I’m very content with playing them. So, in con Love the best loved doll Doll lusion,I will say this…if you like your doll so much,

(95 People Likes) Should I hire a prostitute, buy a sex doll or watch porn?

l only bring you short-term satisfaction, not lasting.
The second one is okay. You can buy cheap mini sex dolls first, and you can use them at home anytime without any restrictions and will not be infected with an the best loved doll disease. Nowadays sex dolls are very close to real women, and sex feels very much Good. It is recommended that you buy a mini sex doll or a sex doll torso first.
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