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(88 People Likes) What is the most interesting part of the Mueller report?

r (along with all of his lieutenants, in particular Andrew Weissmann) knew even before Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel that the Steele dossier and every allegation in it was a completely bogus and contrived piece of opposition-research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, fabricated by Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS. And even though FISA warrants were an integral part of Mueller’s investigations, the report makes no mention of the massive deception of the FISA court by the FBI, by not disclosing that the chief “evidence” used to obtain the warrants, was the aforementioned, totally-unverified dossier.
The report likewise omits any mention of the real and extensive collusion that took place between the Obama administration, the Clinton campaign, the DNC and Democrat leaders in Congress, and actual Russian government/intelligence operatives, as it ignores extensive abuses of power by the FBI and intelligence agencies under the Obama administration in the course of that collusion, and the subsequent coup attempt to remove Trump - now the duly-elected president - from office. Mueller went down every blind alley in the pursuit of “Russian collusion”, except where Obama-administration operatives were obviously and shamelessly culpable in that lawlessness and corruption. For example, former FBI director James Comey is mentioned in the report, but there is no mention of how Comey broke the law in leaking to the press as many as four highly-classified memos of private presidential communications, for the express purpose of forcing Mueller’s appointment.
Similarly, the report fails to mention that )Trump’s transition team’s) National Security Advisor General Mike Flynn’s meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was coordinated by Obama administration operatives, using Kislyak as a pawn to allow the FBI to spy on Flynn, seeking to capture him in a contradiction between his subsequent description of the meeting, and what the FBI agents claimed to have recorded. And of course, the report entirely omits the fact that FBI agents who interviewed Flynn following his meeting with Kislyak (one of whom was the removed, demoted and subsequently terminated Peter Strzok), stated that Flynn was not deceptive in his description/discussion of the meeting.
The report also omits the fact that Joseph Mifsud, the “Russian” who met with Trump transition team foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, was in fact Maltese, and more importantly a western rather than a Russian intelligence asset, and that rather than being initially contacted by Papadopoulos, Mifsud was pushed into the Trump campaign for the express purpose of entrapping Papadopoulos. The report fails to mention that Papadopoulos never asked about (nor received) any “dirt” on the Clinton campaign - either during the Mifsud-arranged “meeting”, or subsequent to it - despite Mifsud’s attempts to push the information into Papadopoulos. The report also fails to mention that in his description of a subsequent meeting between Papadopoulos and (Australian diplomat) Alexander Downer, the diplomat not only orchestrated the meeting, but in that meeting confirmed Papadopoulos’ rather than Mueller’s version of events (i.e., that Papadopoulos never accepted the Mifsud offering).
And though it spent many pages on the “Trump Tower meeting”, the report omitted the fact the meeting was attended and coordinated by Natalia Veselnitskaya, as a Russian employee of Fusion GPS, who during the meeting never discussed “dirt” on the Clinton campaign. or other information that could be considered “collusive” in nature. The report likewise failed to mention that Veselnitskaya was subsequently indicted on obstruction of justice charges.
And while Mueller’s report ostensibly focused on “collusion” between American citizens (in particular, Trump campaign officials) and Russian intelligence operatives, it is totally silent about the fact that Christopher Steele (a foreign national), actively sought out and coordinated with other foreign nationals (many of them Russian) to dig up dirt on Trump, in order to harm his chances of election — with funds provided by the Clinton campaign and DNC.
And while the report spent many paragraphs on Carter Page, it omitted the fact that Page was never charged with nor investigated for any crime, yet was used as justification to illegally obtain a FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign long after Page had left the campaign (and in future versions of the warrant, to just as illegally surveil the elected Trump administration). The report endlessly omits exculpatory information which expressly clears Trump and other targets of the investigation of virtually all of its bogus allegations, and again never mentions truly damning evidence of the real and extensive Russian collusion orchestrated and committed by Democrats. It doesn't even mention crucially relevant facts such as Deputy/Acting AG Rod Rosenstein having written the letter recommending the firing of FBI Director Jim Comey.
Basically, the Mueller “investigation”, like its “Russian Collusion” narrative (at least as it concerned the Trump team) is and was always a hoax, and more importantly a cover-up and conspiracy, to prevent the exposure and investigation of the malfeasance and corruption of deep-state operatives in the Obama administration (Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Yates, Rosenstein, Strzok, Page, et al - up to and including Obama) in their weaponization and lawless use of investigative and intelligence resources against American citizens and as a coup to derail and remove a duly-elected president, which continues in the latest rendition of the hoax, currently being perpetuated by the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives.
Fortunately AG William Barr is now aware of this malfeasance, and in conjunction with the Inspector General will conduct a legitimate investigation to fully understand and expose that lawlessness and corruption, and hopefully ensure that those responsible are brought to justice. Sadly, though totally predictably, the same progressive media that so

(76 People Likes) Was the Barbie doll named after a real woman?

years ago
Created by Ruth Handler
Nickname(s) Barbie
Occupation See: Barbie's careers
Family See: List of Barbie's friends and family
Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy-company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration.
Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Matt xev bellringer sex doll l dolls and accessories, including other family members and collectible dolls. Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for over fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle.
Mattel has sold over a billion Barbie dolls, making it the company’s largest and most profitable line. However, sales have declined sharply since 2014.[1] The doll transformed the toy business in affluent communities worldwide by becoming a vehicle for the sale of related merchandise (accessories, clothes, friends of Barbie, etc.). She had a significant impact on social values by conveying characteristics of female independence, and with her multitude of accessories, an idealized upscale life-style that can be shared with affluent friends.[2]
The first Barbie doll was introduced in both blonde and brunette in March 1959.
Ruth Handler watched her daughter Barbara play with paper dolls, and noticed that she often enjoyed giving them adult roles. At the time, most children's toy dolls were representations of infants. Realizing that there could be a gap in the market, Handler suggested the idea of an adult-bodied doll to her husband Elliot, a co-founder of the Mattel toy company. He was unenthusiastic about the idea, as were Mattel's directors.
During a trip to Europe in 1956 with her children Barbara and Kenneth, Ruth Handler came across a German toy doll called Bild Lilli.[3] The adult-figured doll was exactly what Handler had in mind, so she purchased three of them. She gave one to her daughter and took the others back to Mattel. The Lilli doll was based on a popular character appearing in a comic strip drawn by Reinhard Beuthin for the newspaper Bild. Lilli was a blonde bombshell, a working girl who knew what she wanted and was not above using men to get it. The Lilli doll was first sold in Germany in 1955, and although it was initially sold to adults, it became popular with children who enjoyed dressing her up in outfits that were available separately.
Upon her return to the United States, Handler redesigned the doll (with help from engineer Jack Ryan) and the doll was given a new name, Barbie, after Handler's daughter Barbara. The doll made its debut at the American International Toy Fair in New York on March 9, 1959.[4] This date is also used as Barbie's official birthday.
The first Barbie doll wore a black and white zebra striped swimsuit and signature topknot ponytail, and was available as either a blonde or brunette. The doll was marketed as a "Teen-age Fashion Model," with her clothes created by Mattel fashion designer Charlotte Johnson. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese homeworkers. Around 350,000 Barbie dolls were sold during the first year of production.
Louis Marx and Company sued Mattel in March 1961. After licensing Lilli, they claimed that Mattel had “infringed on Greiner Hausser's patent for Bild-Lilli’s hip joint, and also claimed that Barbie was "a direct take-off and copy" of Bild-Lilli. The company additionally claimed that Mattel "falsely and misleadingly represented itself as having originated the design". Mattel counter-claimed and the case was settled out of court in 1963. In 1964, Mattel bought Greiner Hausser's copyright and patent rights for the Bild-Lilli doll for $21,600.[5][6]
Ruth Handler believed that it was important for Barbie to have an adult appearance, and early market research showed that some parents were unhappy about the doll's chest, which had distinct breasts. Barbie's appearance has been changed many times, most notably in 1971 when the doll's eyes were adjusted to look forwards rather than having the demure sideways glance of the original model.
Barbie was one of the first toys to have a marketing strategy based extensively on television advertising, which has been copied widely by other toys. It is estimated that over a billion Barbie dolls have been sold worldwide in over 150 countries, with Mattel claiming that three Barbie dolls are sold every second.[7]
The standard range of Barbie dolls and related accessories are manufactured to approximately 1/6 scale, which is also known as playscale.[8] The standard dolls are approximately 11½ inches tall.
In January 2016, Mattel announced that it will add tall, curvy, and petite body shapes to its line-up of dolls. Alternative skin tones, hair styles, and hair colours will also be added.[9]
Legacy and influence
Fictional biography
Controversy and evaluation
Parodies and lawsuits
Competition from Br

(24 People Likes) What did someone do during military boot camp that made you say “You gotta be kidding me”?

whatever reason thought the black drill sergeants were his buddies. He walked by a black drill sergeant and nodded his head a Real Doll d said “What’s up?” The drill sergeant smoked the crap out of him for the next 15–20 min making him say “Whats up?! Whats up?!” the entire time.
2)One of my buddies decided during formation while we were all supposed to be standing at attention that it was a good time to put on chapstick. They made him sprint around the formation smearing chapstick all over his lips yelling “My lips are smooth and unchapped!” Lol
3)We had a kid who fell out of the top bunk one night while he was sleeping and broke his arm couldn’t continue training. He got medically discharged.
4)Another guy got so stressed out he started wetting his bunk at night. He stopped doing it eventually and made it through.
5)There was this skinny kid named Schmidt who started getting a few pimples. Nothing weird about that, but he couldn’t stop picking at them. I remember all of a sudden seeing him one day and his face looked bad, like tore up he was picking them so bad. One night, after lights out we heard screaming coming from the latrines(bathrooms) It was our DS screaming at the top of his lungs at Schmidt. I guess after lights out Schmidt would go to the latrines and pick his face in the mirror for an hour or so. I think that’s how he was dealing with the stress anxiety. Our DS screamed at him that he better not catch him picking at his face ever again. After that he stopped.
6)One time during BRM(basic rifle marksmanship) before we were issued rifles we had to carry around rubber rifle replicas for a week or so. We had to carry them with us everywhere. One time we were excused to use the latrines, but had to bring the “rubber duckies” with us as they were called. As we were walking back, one idiot female didn’t have hers with her. I literally thought to myself, “Are you kidding me?” How in the hell can you forget to bring yours with you despite the fact that you are surrounded by 50 other trainees who ALL have theirs right in their hands?? Either she was an idiot who didn’t pay attention to detail or she just didn’t care. She got our whole platoon smoked for that.
7)We had another kid named Coli(I remember his name because the drill sergeants called him E.Coli after the bacteria). One time they made him sit in a tree and swing his legs back and forth chirp like a bird. The kid couldn’t handle being bullied

(61 People Likes) How should I legally dispose a sex doll?

r up lovingly in your closet and hang her fr the ceiling where she can be well hidden from the world.
Don't just throw her away. She's spec

(95 People Likes) Can you make a voodoo doll of your ex and yourself and make them fall in love?

and that we are expected to follow. You’ll be forcing that person to love you when, in reality, he doesn't. He is just a victim, a prey of that voodoo. Did you think what will happen when that voodoo effect wears off? You’ll be more miserable than ever. It will become like a vicious circle. Voodoo. Boy. Love. Leave. Voodoo. Boy. Love. Leave. Voodoo. Boy. Love. Leave. When you do something “unnaturally”, on

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